By Jewelyn Butron — Curious Puppy of Personal Captures —

welcome to the,

what if


life always felt like this?

it’s always been a moment for you to capture

we are constantly moving, driving, flying, walking swimming, going, dreaming. 

we run on oil. everything is oil. everything is run on the death of others, turn into new life. simply natural materials. alkhemized to our lives

we were always meant to slow down and sit down too

which allows us to see new pathways too

movement and stillness is home for me

what matters the most is what you believe to believe

whereever you go


it is just right

it’s a mahal life

why this page?

An essay inspired by the captures of  my trip to the Philippines in 2023
Thank you for taking the time to land on this website and take a gander at these photos.
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